in unspecified location in Amhara region
As was the case in the past one year, nothing much seems to have changed on the ground.
Anchor media, U.S. based Ethiopian News outlet, on Saturday spoke to Abebe Mulatu, PR of Shoa Fano. Abebe is claiming that the Aste Dawit Division and Asaminew Tsige Division have engaged government forces in Mida, Merabete and Dera areas. There was also a battle near Rema town.
Mulatu is claiming that “Fano forces have inflicted heavy casualties on government forces” in ambush attacks and conventional battle.
Anchor Media aired video of Fano forces with captured government soldiers being escorted by armed Fano leaders. Some of the video footage appears to be old but there is also new footage. However, it is unclear if the captured soldiers were from the battles in Mida and Rema.
But the spokesperson did not specify the number of casualties.
The Defense Force did not deny the claim from Fano. But it is making its own claims that it has inflicted “human and material” losses on the “enemy”, as it calls fano,in the Merabete area.
In a social media update, the Defense said the Airborne division was deployed to Merabete and Alem Town. It said “Many members and two Fano leaders” were killed but did not disclose the name of the Fano leaders.
The Defense Force has also shared an image of seven rifles and one machine gun. Three of the rifles are outdated ones and look more like antique rather than a firearm seized in a battlefield.
This week, there were similar intensive battles in Gojjam and Gondar areas of the Amhara region. Fano’s claim solid battle gains in those parts of Amhara region too. Two days ago, there was a report that Fano forces could enter the regional capital Bahir Dar. In what appears to be a show of support, there was a strike in Bahir Dar. Movement of vehicles was restricted and many stores were closed to the point that government had to issue a statement
The Ethiopian government declared war in the Amhara region in August 2023 under the guise of “disarming Fano forces” within a few weeks. After more than a year, the war is still far from over.
Human Rights Organizations – in the country and abroad – have been reporting egregious human rights violations in the region including extrajudicial killings and rape – among others. Government forces resort to such measures, according to reports from different local sources, whenever they suffer military defeat from ambush attacks and surprise attacks on military bases.