Chinese and US militaries on Covid-19 alert in Djibouti as rivals face common threat Both countries act to pre-empt any outbreaks at strategically important bases in the African nation,Measures imposed at China’s only overseas base and the US’ largest African installation

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China opened its base in Djibouti, its first overseas, in 2017. Photo: AFP
China opened its base in Djibouti, its first overseas, in 2017. Photo: AFP

In Djibouti has prompted both the United States and China to tighten precautions at their military bases in the East African nation to prevent outbreaks among troops.s

Military installations housing US forces in Djibouti were placed under “precautionary” public health emergency measures on Thursday, while China is also stepping up precautions against any emergency in its first overseas military base.

China started operating its Djibouti base – which it calls a logistics support hub – in 2017.

“Health declarations are now required for personnel in Djibouti,” a source close to the Chinese military said, adding that the base had ventilators.

First PLA live ammunition drill in Djibouti

Song Zhongping, a Hong Kong-based military affairs commentator, said the pandemic control efforts applied in Djibouti would be the same as those adopted at military bases inside China.

 “In some circumstances, the requirements will be stricter – for example, the entry and exit controls at the Djibouti base are more stringent,” he said. “There are medical personnel in the base who are also trained to take care of and test for Covid-19 [the disease caused by the coronavirus], and there are facilities for that.

 “One of the key missions for the base in Djibouti is to provide backup to the People’s Liberation Army’s peacekeeping force in Africa, and provide assistance to pandemic control measures in other African nations. Outbreak control measures inside the base are very important.