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Trump suggests delaying 2020 election, a power designated to Congress The move comes as polls show Trump trailing Biden in battleground states.

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Trump suggests delaying 2020 election, a power designated to Congress The move comes as polls show Trump trailing Biden in battleground states.

President Donald Trump addresses the United Nations General Assembly in 2019. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images President Donald Trump is likely to be the only world leader speaking live from New York at this year’s United Nations General Assembly debate, scheduled to take place Sept. 22 to 25. Kelly Craft, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., […]

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Coronavirus: Greater numbers of young Europeans are contracting COVID-19, says WHO

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Coronavirus: Greater numbers of young Europeans are contracting COVID-19, says WHO

A couple sits for dinner at a crowded restaurant in Marseille’s Old Port, southern France, Saturday, July 25, 2020.   –   Copyright  Daniel Cole/AP Photo More and more young people in Europe are testing positive for COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) has told Euronews.Dr Hans Kluge, WHO’s regional director for Europe, said that “we see from reports both […]

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Five things you should know about disposable masks and plastic pollution

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Five things you should know about disposable masks and plastic pollution

MUnsplash/Brian Yurasits/A face mask found during a beach cleanup in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, USA. A face mask found during a beach cleanup in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, USA. The fight against plastic pollution is being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the use of disposable masks, gloves and other protective equipment soars, but UN […]

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Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia arrests 936 violators of Holy sites entry rules during Hajj

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Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia arrests 936 violators of Holy sites entry rules during Hajj

Pilgrims social distancing as a coronavirus preventative measure while circumambulating around the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest shrine, at the centre of the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca, during Hajj, July 29, 2020. (AFP) Saudi Arabia’s authorities arrested 936 people who tried to enter Holy sites during Hajj without prior authorization, the General Directorate of Public Security […]

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A Downsized Saudi Hajj Wreaks Havoc on Somalia’s Camel Exports

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A Downsized Saudi Hajj Wreaks Havoc on Somalia’s Camel Exports

Camels , Photographer: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg (Bloomberg) — The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on trade and supply chains around the world. Not even the niche market in camels is immune. Somalia usually ships millions of camels, goats, sheep and cattle across the Red Sea to Mecca around this time of year for Islam’s hajj pilgrimage, […]

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Saudi Arabia introduces luxury cruises on Red Sea coast for first time

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Saudi Arabia introduces luxury cruises on Red Sea coast for first time

Luxury cruises will set sail for the first time on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast. (Twitter) Luxury cruises will set sail for the first time on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast as part of the Saudi Tourism Authority’s “Break Free” summer season campaign, according to a statement released on Tuesday. The initiative is part of […]

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Ethiopia rules out military conflict with Egypt over Renaissance Dam

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Ethiopia rules out military conflict with Egypt over Renaissance Dam

The Ethiopian Ambassador in Russia, Alemayehu Tegenu Aargau, yesterday ruled out the outbreak of a military conflict between Ethiopia and Egypt over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Speaking to reporters in Moscow, the Ethiopian ambassador said: “Tripartite negotiations are currently taking place under the African Union auspices, and I think that all problems will be […]

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China urges EU to stop Hong Kong interference

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China urges EU to stop Hong Kong interference

People walk in the Hennessy Road in south China’s Hong Kong, July 16, 2020. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) BEIJING, July 29 (Xinhua) — The European Union (EU) should respect China’s position and actions on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said […]

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Iran:Leader condemns U.S. government’s racism, backs Black Lives Matter

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Iran:Leader condemns U.S. government’s racism, backs Black Lives Matter

TEHRAN — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Iran condemns the racist behavior of the U.S. government toward its people and supports the American people’s anti-racism movement. “In the recent events in the U.S. and the anti-racism movement, our decisive stance is to support the people and condemn the cruel behavior of […]

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Somalia downplays EU criticism over ouster of former leader The international community has expressed concern over the removal of former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire in a no-confidence vote. Somalia’s fragile government controls only a portion of the country.

Comments Off on Somalia downplays EU criticism over ouster of former leader The international community has expressed concern over the removal of former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire in a no-confidence vote. Somalia’s fragile government controls only a portion of the country.
Somalia downplays EU criticism over ouster of former leader The international community has expressed concern over the removal of former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire in a no-confidence vote. Somalia’s fragile government controls only a portion of the country.

   Somalia’s newly acting prime minister, Mahdi Guled, has lashed out at the European Union and other development partners for their criticism following the July 25 ouster of former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire in a no-confidence vote.  Khaire, has rejected the no-confidence vote, and his cabinet were accused of failing to finalize a draft constitution […]

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