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About 100 suspected Al-Shabaab militants on Saturday morning ambushed Basuba Village in Lamu East Sub-County and preached to the residents for one hour. According to an eye witness who requested not to be named, the militants invaded the village at 5am, before flushing out villagers from their houses and preached to them until around 6am. […]

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The forgotten heroes in the riveting Obama narrative

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The forgotten heroes in the riveting Obama narrative

  Many Kenyans assume that Barack Obama Sr. was in the Mboya Airlift but he wasn’t; and indeed he did not qualify. The Mboya Airlift took people who had obtained at least Division II in the Cambridge School Certificate examination. Obama got Division III   As I watched the larger than life images of President […]

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” A man found in an Ethiopian aircraft’s baggage compartment

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” A man found in an Ethiopian aircraft’s baggage compartment

A man found in the trunk of a plane at the airport. The plane landed at the airport just before 7 o’clock this morning. – I have never experienced this at Arlanda , says Stefan Färdigs , station officer at the airport police . Police were alerted to the scene after the security company Securitas […]

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Members of the Somali Federal Parliament have today submitted an Impeachment Motion against the President

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Members of the Somali Federal Parliament have today submitted an Impeachment Motion against the President

Members of the Somali Federal Parliament have today submitted an Impeachment Motion against the President of the Somali Federal Republic, H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, to the Somali Federal Parliament. The number of Parliamentarians who signed the Impeachment Motion surpasses the threshold number of one third of members, required under the Provisional Constitution of Somalia. We […]

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Kenya’s first oil export expected in October 2022

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Kenya’s first oil export expected in October 2022

Kenya’s push to start oil production by 2017 will be delayed by at least five years going by the detailed design and construction timeline for the proposed crude oil pipeline connecting Uganda and local oil fields to Lamu. The Toyota Tsusho design released yesterday shows that the flow of the first oil is expected in […]

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Two Somalian refugees reach Winnipeg after swimming down the Red

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Two Somalian refugees reach Winnipeg after swimming down the Red

Two Somalian refugee claimants crossed the border into Canada the hard way this week — in the Red River. On Wednesday, Yahya Samatar, who was shivering and soaking wet, climbed out of the Red River in Emerson, and into the pickup truck of a Good Samaritan who cranked up the heat, gave him a sweater […]

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Mohammed Abdi murder: Fourth man Mohammed Ahmed jailed

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Mohammed Abdi murder: Fourth man Mohammed Ahmed jailed

A man who was part of a gang who murdered a drug rival with a machine gun in an Edinburgh suburb has been sentenced to life imprisonment. Mohammed Ahmed, 29, also known as Jamal Saeed, must serve 25 years in prison before being eligible for parole. Ahmed was found guilty of murdering Mohammed Abdi in […]

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Suicide attack targets security forces at Saudi mosque

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Suicide attack targets security forces at Saudi mosque

 ISIL claims responsibility for the attack that left at least 15 dead in southwestern province of Asir bordering Yemen. A blast probably triggered by a suicide bomber has killed 15 people at a mosque inside a special forces headquarters in Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen. An interior ministry spokesman said on Thursday that […]

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Somali ambassador Jamal Mohamed Hassan presented to Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, hiscredentials as the Somalia ambassador to Kenya.

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Somali ambassador Jamal Mohamed Hassan presented to Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, hiscredentials as the Somalia ambassador to Kenya.

“It is my earnest hope that I shall succeed in my endeavor to promote further the relations that exist so happily between our two countries,” Ambassador Vilan said. Somali Ambassador Hassan said the collaborative effort of Kenya and Somalia in the fight against terrorism is critical not only for the security of the two countries […]

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UN monitors accuse British oil firm of “payoffs” to Somali officials

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UN monitors accuse British oil firm of “payoffs” to Somali officials

U.N. sanctions experts have accused British company Soma Oil and Gas of making large payments to Somalia’s oil ministry that created a “serious conflict of interest,” some of which appeared to have been used to pay off senior officials. In a report to a U.N. Security Council committee, the experts said Soma paid nearly $600,000 […]

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