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US-backed Syria force ousts ISIL from half of Raqqa

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US-backed Syria force ousts ISIL from half of Raqqa

The Syrian Democratic Forces have been fighting for several months to capture the northern city, which has become infamous as the Syrian heart of ISIL’s so-called “caliphate”. The SDF “are now in control of 50 per cent of Raqqa city despite the fierce resistance mounted by ISIL”, Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory […]

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Israel removes more al-Aqsa security installations

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Israel removes more al-Aqsa security installations

Palestinians rejoice as new restrictions at entrance of holy site, including metal railings, are removed after protests. Israel has removed more security installations from the entrance to al-Aqsa Mosquecompound in occupied East Jerusalem after protests and deadly unrest in recent days. Newly installed railings, gates and scaffolding where cameras were previously mounted were removed from the entrance to […]

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‘Terribly bad mistake’: US Senator says Russia sanctions go against EU energy security & free trade

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‘Terribly bad mistake’: US Senator says Russia sanctions go against EU energy security & free trade

The essence of the new anti-Russian sanctions awaiting Donald Trump’s approval is to block the joint EU-Russian Nordstream II pipeline project and to tie Trump’s hands in building trade relationship with Moscow, Virginia State Senator Richard Black told RT. Black said he believes that in pushing for Russia sanctions, Congress is attempting to use a […]

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[INTERVIEW] N. Koreans seeking to return home pin hopes on Moon government By Kim Bo-eun

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[INTERVIEW] N. Koreans seeking to return home pin hopes on Moon government By Kim Bo-eun

Kim Ryen-hui, 48, has never been more hopeful that she will finally have her wish to return “home” to North Korea granted than now, since she first set foot in South Korea in 2011. “I am living day by day with the hope of good news,” Kim said in a recent interview with The Korea […]

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Iranian President Rouhani vows US sanctions will not go unanswered

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Iranian President Rouhani vows US sanctions will not go unanswered

President Hassan Rouhani denounced the US House of Representatives’ approval of a draft law on fresh sanctions against Iran, saying the Islamic Republic will “definitely” give a proportionate response to the hostile move. Speaking during the cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday, Rouhani said, the Iranian Parliament would adopt reciprocal measures in response to the […]

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Suspected Boko Haram attack kills 10 soldiers

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Suspected Boko Haram attack kills 10 soldiers

Gunmen ambushed an oil exploration team that was carrying out research near Maiduguri in Borno State, northeast Nigeria. At least 10 military personnel have been killed after gunmen who are believed to be part of the Boko Haram armed group ambushed an oil exploration convoy in northeast Nigeria, officials said. At least 10 members of the research team were also […]

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Yemen’s army retakes control of camp Khalid from Houthi militias

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Yemen’s army retakes control of camp Khalid from Houthi militias

Yemen President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi praised the national army’s victory for achieving full control over Khalid ibn al-Walid strategic camp west of Taiz, Yemen News Agency reported on Wednesday. The control of Khalid camp came after a violent attack, supported by intensive air raids led by Saudi Arabia and with the participation of Apache helicopters. […]

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Tripoli asks Italy to help fight traffickers in Libyan waters

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Tripoli asks Italy to help fight traffickers in Libyan waters

Libya’s UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj has appealed to Italy to send ships into Libyan territorial waters to help combat human trafficking, Rome said on Wednesday. Sarraj “sent a letter requesting the Italian government provide the technical support of Italian naval units in the joint struggle in Libyan waters against human traffickers,” Italian Prime Minister […]

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Trump: Transgender people ‘can’t serve’ in US military

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Trump: Transgender people ‘can’t serve’ in US military

US President Donald Trump says transgender people cannot serve in “any capacity” in the military. He tweeted that he had consulted with military experts and cited “tremendous medical costs and disruption”. The Obama administration decided last year to allow transgender people to serve openly in the military. But in June, Defence Secretary James Mattis agreed to […]

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Security reinforcements sent to Lebanese Christian town of Al-Qaa

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Security reinforcements sent to Lebanese Christian town of Al-Qaa

Security reinforcements were sent to the Lebanese Christian town of Al-Qaa after reports that gunmen may have entered. A number of suicide bombers attacked the Lebanese Christian village last year killing a number of people and wounding dozens more. ISIS was responsible for the bombings in the village of Qaa on Lebanon’s border with Syria […]

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